If you are a solo-preneur building your own peripheral pump company, STILL document your system then you can teach it to your sales team as you grow.Go back and complete it, then you will be able to continue with the prospect."It works! I have never had to use "hard" closes or techniques - using a system like this truly identifies those who actually need what you have to sell, and helps them see how it will address their need or problem.Having some challenges getting you sales to close, either in your own sales or that of your team? Theres probably a very clear reason why you dont have a simple step sales system in place, it is not documented and therefore you cannot train your salespeople. Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth Revisited, states that, Systems should run the business and people should run the systems. Once youve decided on your system, you will need to create a documented sales system that you can teach to your sales people. FOLLOW UP Make sure you follow up to make sure the deal is sealed, and also to prime the pump for future sales. It is well documented that a "step" sales system helps salespeople systematize their sales work and become far more effective. 1. Even though there are certainly some people whose personality styles are better suited to sales, once you have the right person, they still need to be trained on a reliable system. Here is a simple seven step system proven to work (I used it myself for a decade and sold tens of millions of dollars of human resource services). I say, Balderdash. ANSWER OBJECTIONS - addressing the prospect's concerns and objections. One way I have heard this whole process described is Sell to people the way they buy. Remember the principle of buyers remorse, and, more importantly, always be looking toward the next sale! Whatever system youd like to pull together, its going to have follow these simple steps in one way or another. Almost like magic!Here are several more important points youll need to build into your training:If you get bogged down in your selling interaction with a prospect, look to see where you did not complete a step fully - you will almost always find at least one. Nowhere can this be seen to be more true than in your sales department. CLOSE - finalizing the sale with the prospect's full cooperation and understanding.
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